Kollegio AI for Colleges
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Meaningfully engage with the right students for your institution

Use AI to reach, engage, and enroll the right students

expand your scope

Gain presence and interest with new and relevant student populations


Turn data into decisions

We identify high yield students through analysis of 10,000+ data points, protecting student privacy and lowering enrollment costs.

Dashboard Dashboard Dashboard

peer analysis

See how your college ranks and track student interest in real time


engage with students

Claim Your College Profile & Unlock Direct Admissions


Our Story

Kollegio was born in the heart of Silicon Valley, founded out of Stanford and Berkeley by a team eager to drive more equitable outcomes for students everywhere.

We have received backing from some of the best investors in the valley and surrounded ourselves with a cutting-edge team of educators, enrollment leaders, and AI engineers. We seek to increase college access, drive more efficient enrollment systems and be a source of stability for our partner institutions today and for the decades to come.

We're Backed By

We're Backed By

Tuesday Capital

We're Backed By

Reach Capital

We're Featured In

We're Featured InWe're Featured InWe're Featured InWe're Featured In

AI-Driven Yield, Human-Centered Results